THE BLURB: London, April 4, 1888 ~
Evelina Cooper, niece of Sherlock Holmes, is ready for her first London
Season - except for a murderer, missing automatons, a sorcerer, and a
talking mouse. In a Victorian era ruled by a ruthless steam baron
council, mechanical power is the real monarch, and sorcery the demon
enemy of the empire. Evelina has secretly mastered a coveted weapon -
magic that can run machines. Should she trust the handsome, clever rake
who speeds her breath, or the dashing trick rider who would dare
anything she would ask?
I don't generally care
for books that drag Sherlock Holmes (or Jane Austen or Lizzie Bennett)
in as a character. I like those characters to stay in their own worlds and for authors to delight me with something new. I'm glad I overlooked that here! Also, Sherlock is a minor character in this first book in the trilogy.
This is steampunk at its best--sprawling, convoluted, Victorian, charming. There were many different plots (and points of view), and the characters had depth. I've read so much YA lately, and although I love it, sometimes I just want a 500-page book full of characters acting like people, with all the surprises and fun that entails. This was wildly creative.
I will add that I didn't love the other two in the trilogy quite so much, but that's usually the case, for me.
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