THE BLURB: In the Raverran Empire, magic is scarce and those born with power are strictly controlled -- taken as children and conscripted into the Falcon Army.
Zaira has lived her life on the streets to avoid this fate, hiding her mage-mark and thieving to survive. But hers is a rare and dangerous magic, one that threatens the entire empire.
Lady Amalia Cornaro was never meant to be a Falconer. Heiress and scholar, she was born into a treacherous world of political machinations.
But fate has bound the heir and the mage. And as war looms on the horizon, a single spark could turn their city into a pyre.
THE SCOOP: I loved this page-turning high fantasy. I especially enjoyed the relationship between the Falcon and the Falconer. They are two different types of strong women, and their clashes and developing respect for each other is well executed.
The romantic subplot explores one of my favorite clashes: desire and duty. I love that the author does explore that conflict instead of throwing all responsibilities out the window in the name of true love.
The political plot does grow complicated at times, but it is never too confusing. And I do love me some Machiavellian machinations with dangerous doges and untrustworthy friends! The Venetian-inspired world thrilled me on every page.
THE VERDICT: This book nicely straddles that line between YA and adult--it's certainly meaty and explores the important issues YA readers love. Give it a try, if you can stand waiting for the next book in the series to come out!
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