Friday, November 20, 2015

How Not to Pitch an Agent

My favorite writing conference of the year, LDStorymakers, is hosting a video competition with the prize of a free conference admission.  I am so not a video girl!  I have no patience for watching them.  I might be the only American who still hasn't seen a cute cat (or dog, or panda, or baby) video on facebook.  I NEVER WATCH THEM.  Every not and then I'll click on something and give it about three seconds to enchant me (which hardly ever happens).

But this one, by the ever talented Darci Cole, cracked me up and up and up.  She wrote the song "Popular" from Wicked . . . from an author/agent perspective.  She calls it, "How NOT to Pitch an Agent."


And, wow, that girl can sing!

I'm hoping they show this at the conference over and over again . . . maybe on a loop on TVs outside the agent pitch sessions . . .

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