Friday, November 10, 2017

Caught My Fancy Friday: Midwest Storymakers Conference, Part IV

Elena Johnson gave the keynote address at this conference. She taught the very first class I ever attended at the Storymakers conference. She taught Blake Snyder's Save the Cat method for novels, and I was spell-bound. It's awful to admit, but I had signed with an agent already and had never heard of any outlining methods other than what I learned in ninth grade!

So. It was fun to hear her speak. And it was the most inspiring keynote address I've heard in a long time. I was teary several times, as she talked about times she felt like a failure and like both the engines in her plane had given out. And then she talked about how to deal with it, how to live as a writer, and how to move forward and save that plane that's crashing to the earth.

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